• Our policy is not only to do business. We firmly believe it is also our responsibility to contribute to the social well being of our society, we therefore undertake the following activities.
  • Actively participate with an NGO ‘Akshay Patra’ who provides mid day meals to over 180 thousand school going children again from the lower sections of the society. (National organization)
  • Providing monthly financial support to ‘Surman’ an NGO taking care of 60 destitute and orphan children (Jaipur)
  • Providing annual financial support to ‘SOS’ a global organization taking care of orphans.
  • Actively participate in blood donation camps for the needy
  • Providing monthly financial support to ‘SAHAYOG SANSTHA’ an NGO running a school of 300 children from the lower strata of society (Jaipur)
  • Providing annual financial support for ‘HELP AGE INDIA’ (National organization)
  • Providing monthly financial support to ‘ARSHA VIDYA TIRTHA’ running a Boarding school for over 60 Adiwasi children (Jaipur)
  • Providing support to ‘BHAWANI CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER’ an NGO working to develop children with learning disabilities (Jaipur)